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Project A

Project A is a party game made from the ground up featuring online multiplayer. The game takes place in an Old Man's home, where they have invited friends over to act like children again. The players play through their choice of many fun mini-games with their friends, each fast-paced and humourous.


June 2022

In June, the game idea was first brought up and the game began to be conceptualized. At this time, the developers were looking into networking solutions for the game and ended up utilizing Mirror networking. Early in the development of the game, the team focused mainly on basic movement and interactions. Only early versions of 3D assets and simple animations were used.

First House
First version of the layout of the first floor
First Floor With Materials
First floor of the house with materials
Placeholder player model with fists up
Placeholder player model holding a weapon

July 2022

In July, there was a focus on integrating combat into the gane. This involved the player being able to both pick up and throw various weapons. It was at this time that item dragging was also introduced. The new combat features in the game then led to the creation of the first mini-game which involves players fighting to be the last one standing on the roof while trying to knock others off. Apart from mechanics, some placeholder UI and skybox detailing was also done in July.

Pick Up
The player getting prompted to pick up a weapon
A coffee cup being thrown at another player
Roof Mini=Game
The first mini-game from a spectator's point of view
Lobby Concept
One of the first concept images of the lobby

August 2022

In August, the main addition to the game was vertical climbing on ladders which contribute greatly towards the fast-paced movement of the game. Melee combat was also added which led to the addition of a new battle-royale style mini-game. This mini=game marked the intriduction of random items spawning around the house. Another mini-game was also added at this time which puts all players against each other in a beer pong free-for-all. Now that a lot of the core mechanics of the game had been completed, they were also networked. As for the menus, a proper main menu, pause menu and settings were all added.

A ladder leading up to the second floor
Melee Combat
Melee combat with the new player model
Beer Pong
Beer pong free-for-all without opponents
Main Menu
Main menu before lighting changes

September 2022

In September, the majority of our time will be spent preparing to show off our game at the Capital Creative Showcase which is made to highlight indie developers in the Sacramento area. For the showcase, we will be putting together a presentation of the progress we have made in our game so far as well as some ideas as to what we plan on adding to our game in the future (similar to what this website has). It is around this time that we will also be testing out our game in different networking environments.


In the future, we plan on adding sounds to the game as that is the area that the game is most noticeably lacking. We also plan on experimenting with interior lighting in order to combat the look of the completely even lighting that currently exists in the game. Other than that, we plan on adding more items and at least three more mini-games before polishing the game to release in on steam.


Jeffrey Image

Jeffrey Franklin Lead Developer Personal Website

Jeffrey is a Game Developer with expertise in game mechanic programming and general game design.


Cal Rose Game Designer Personal Website

Cal is a Game Designer and Associate Programmer, currently utilizing Blender and the Unity Game Engine